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Adigital - Hotel Marketing Agency

Adigital – The Preferred Hotel Digital Marketing Partner

The hotel industry across the globe is fast changing. New trends, nuanced guest preferences, enhancements in technology, and the resulting competition have made it compulsory for hoteliers to remain proactive when it comes to hotel branding, marketing, customer service, and social media.

Having years of working knowledge in the hospitality sector, Adigital is the preferred hotel marketing agency that brings professionalism, insider acumen, and expertise to every project, no matter how big or small.

Over the past two to three years, the latest movement in hotel choices by customers has changed how we market properties.

Before we explain how Adigital uses its expertise to boost your hotel’s brand and sales, let us understand what most modern-day hoteliers require.

What do hotels want?

Clients knocking on our doors are specifically requesting three outcomes;

  • To be online – The benefits of having a website and a solid online presence are now evident to most hotel owners.
  • To be viral – Be it through influencer marketing or by ranking high on SERPs, hotels understand that expanding their reach and capturing diverse audiences is the need of the hour.
  • Increase direct bookings – While OTAs initially seemed an easy option to list their hotels, owners now comprehend the advantages of direct bookings, which lead to lasting guest relationships and increased revenue.

What are hotels doing?

It would be incorrect to suggest that hotel owners have not actively promoted their properties.

When clients come to us, we find that they have, more often than not, taken the first few steps, which include the following;

  • Built a website – An online presence is important, but is that enough?
  • Have social media channels – Many hotels now have social media channels. However, the content, activity, and professionalism are often lacking.
  • Indulged in basic digital marketing – Digital marketing is a diverse approach requiring in-depth backend knowledge. Using a few keywords or Black Hat SEO techniques is not the path to long-term success.

What are hotels getting wrong?

Our observation suggests that while hotels, particularly smaller establishments, have a website, it usually lacks a theme, does not provide all the information visitors need, is missing professional photos, and thus, fails to convert visits into bookings.

Similarly, there have been instances when a client boasted about having thousands of followers but was still having trouble with direct bookings.

A quick look on our part suggested that most of their followers on social media were not their target audience. Thus, their strategy, while successful in gaining followers, was aimed at people who would not add to their business revenue.

Lastly, placing advertisements to target tourists is an excellent digital marketing technique to employ in the beginning. However, long-term planning should include organic traffic to your website and a high ranking on search engines.

So, do the steps taken by the hotels listed above increase bookings?

They are all a movement in the right direction but not the solution to developing a business model that generates continuous earnings.

For that, you need to bring on board an adept hotel marketing agency such as Adigital that knows how the hospitality industry works.

Adigital – Your Preferred Digital Marketing Partner

Adigital’s commitment towards you is to make your property stand out amongst the 700,000 other hotels worldwide.

We aim to provide an all-inclusive marketing program that helps you shift from relying entirely on OTAs, known for charging high booking fees that eat into your revenue.

Furthermore, not only do we collaborate with the best influencers and put into motion approved SEO techniques, but Adigital believes in bringing a high level of skill and competence to every aspect of your hotel’s digital presence, from website design and feedback monitoring to social media management and competition analysis.

If that wasn’t enough, we are also committed to creating a positive and profitable tourism industry in Greece. As members of SETE (The Greek Tourism Confederation), we have extensive knowledge about the local tourism sector and associated hotel businesses. Therefore, as active hotel and tourism community members, we bring unmatched expertise to every task on hand.

How can Adigital help you?

At the heart of Adigital’s marketing ethos is a funnel strategy that guides users from various online channels to your hotel’s website.

The end game is always to lead prospective customers to your booking portal in the most seamless and straightforward manner possible.

At the same time, Adigital believes in guest retention and can help set up an extensive email marketing plan that encourages past clients to book with you again.

We take pride in covering every component of digital marketing, leaving you to concentrate solely on running the hotel.

The Methodology

At Adigital, we begin our marketing strategy by establishing a robust digital presence for your hotel and brand.

As your brand recognition increases, so does the trust among prospective clients.

We then work on expanding advertising across all channels, including social media, website, and high-ranking SERPs using SEO, to further your brand’s reach and value.

Simultaneously, we sit with your management and sales team to better understand individual needs.

Our planning considers your specific requirements, be it for a greater focus on direct bookings, overall branding, going viral using social media, managing customer relations, Google Ads, or metasearch.

Furthermore, Adigital provides detailed monthly analytics that dig deep into the different characteristics of the marketing strategy.

Marketing analysis informs you and us of strategies that are helping towards growth in bookings, sales, and revenue. We then implement, alter, and test different techniques to maximize the required outcomes.

While we are confident of our services and have a proven track record, why not Book A Free Consultation before you take our word for it?

Let us sit down over coffee or tea and discuss how Adigital can be your preferred digital marketing partner in taking your hotel to new heights.

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